“For through him, we both have access to the Father by one Spirit” Ephesians 2:18— NIV

Why Use the Psalms for Prayer?

Sometimes when I do not know what to say, or I know in my heart what I want to say but can’t get it out, I recently figured out that I can go to the Psalms. There is prayer, praise, thanksgiving, lament, anguish, singing, joy, anger, confession, forgiveness, to name a few.

Out of the 150 Psalms, there is something for every circumstance, season, or emotion. The writers of the psalms poured the true rawness of their hearts out to God, whether they were crying out in anguish or singing with Joy and celebration.

People throughout history have used the Psalms as a prayer. Pastors throughout history have taught their flock using the Psalms in Sermons, Bible studies, teaching, etc. Maybe you, too, use the Psalms as part of your prayer life.

God has been faithful and just throughout the ages, and because of this, when we put our trust in him, he quiets our souls and comforts us. Prayer enables us to grow in our relationship and intimacy with Him and He with us.

Here are just a few ideas for using the Psalms as prayer.

1) just read them from your heart

2) Sing them

3) Use them as your own words, and feel those words; they’re coming from your heart, remember? 

4) Use your imagination and imagine what your reading from your heart 

Just as we can imagine God’s descriptiveness throughout Scripture and the stories about the people, imagine the Psalmist crying out or praising.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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